sunday times article
I said I would post all press coverage of the 'Virtual representation' report to a single location, but alas, this deserves a bit more prominence. Robbie Hudson wrote a feature in today's Sunday Times about e-politics, self-efficacy, political learning online and online campaign.
E-politics wins a vote of confidenceYours truly and Stephen Ward are quoted verbatim, and accurately I have to say. The IPOP project looms large. Take a look, it makes for interesting reading in advance of the general election. Or better (anathema) get yourself a printed copy of the ST. Too late now? I have some 50 copies to spare, if you badly want one...
The more people surf the web, the more politically aware they become. But, asks Robbie Hudson, can online campaigns win votes?
Lost amid the sound and fury about political weblogs, e-voting and online policy consultation, there is one little finding, not widely known, not yet fully researched, that is riveting in its implications: the more time people spend online, the more interested in politics they become. [read more]
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