Tuesday, 1 March 2005

I told you so

A refreshign expression. Never used before, but the sound of it rings true for once. Thanks to Richanrd Allan, MP, who instigated the following conversation with the Prime Minister.


Q101 Mr Allan: Prime Minister, do you accept you will not meet your Gershon Review efficiency targets unless Government dramatically improves its ability to purchase the large IT systems it requires?

Mr Blair: The IT systems are a vital part of it, yes.

Q102 Mr Allan: Given the performance to date on systems like the Child Support Agency, is this something which is up there on your public services agenda that you receive regular reports on?

Mr Blair: It is. Some of the IT projects do not go well and some of them do go well. Funnily enough, if you look at the comparison between public and private sector on IT projects it is not very much different.

Q103 Mr Allan: You have something of a reputation of being a technophobe on a personal level, is that fair?

Mr Blair: I am afraid that is fair actually, yes.

Q104 Mr Allan: It is. Have you ever visited the multi-million pound central government website that you have set up to get us all to use these new electronic government facilities?

Mr Blair: I think that is a very unfair question. The answer is no.

Q105 Mr Allan: Do you know the address of this multi-million pound project?

Mr Blair: No.

Q106 Mr Allan: Your head of e.government, Ian Watmore, would be able to tell you all about it.

Mr Blair: That is exactly why delegation is such an important part of the job of a prime minister.
To be fair, the last answer is right on the spot. But lets rewind and replay: Tony Blair is a technophobe. Not big news, you will say. Wait a minute.

P. 29 of my PhD read ‘altohugh Blair is known as a techno-phobe rather than -enthusiast … '. I had to rephrase as it was pointed out that there was not ‘enough evidence’. Too late now I reckon, but the book will read ‘although Blair is admittedly a techno-phobe rather than -enthusiast (Liaison Committee, 2005: q103)’. Much better. And: I told you so.


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