Wednesday, 27 September 2006

comunicazione politica: special issue on e-democracy

I am very glad this is finally out. 'This' is a special issue on e-democracy published by the Italian journal Comunicazione Politica, Vol. 7 n. 1 2007.

It features articles from Mauro Calise, Philippe Schmitter, Francesco Amoretti, Rosanna De Rosa and a few others, including yours truly.

Here's the table fo contents:

What is (not) e-democracy
Mauro Calise

dossier: e-democracy

E-democracy and Eu-democracy: a Meditated Experiment
By Philippe C. Schmitter

Of Windows, Triangles and Circles: the Political Economy in the Discourse of
Electronic Democracy
By Wainer Lusoli

The Digital Revolution and the European Constitutionalisation Processes: EDemocracy
Between Ideology and Institutional Practices
By Francesco Amoretti

Weblogs and Processes of Formation of Public Opinion
By Rosanna De Rosa

The World Summit on the Information Society: exercises of e-governance between
“place spaces” and “flux spaces”
By Claudia Padovani and Bart Cammaerts

Challenges and Opportunities of e-democratization in East Europe
By Mara Morini


Tra e-democracy ed e-government: definizioni e percorsi di ricerca
Monica Zuccarini

Book reviews

Rachel K. Gibson, Andrea Römmele & Stephan J. Ward (a cura di) (2004). Electronic Democracy. Mobilisation, organisation and participation via new Icts.

Lawrence Lessig (2005). Cultura Libera. Un equilibrio fra anarchia e controllo, contro l’estremismo della proprietà intellettuale.

Perri 6. E-governance. Styles of political judgment in the information age polity.

Jayne Rodgers (2003). Spatializing international politics: analysing activism on the Internet.

International outlook

Digital policies: overview of an e-volution
Silvia Bolgherini

Internet resources
Mauro Santaniello

You can read the Introduction here, penned by Calise, about what e-democracy is not. A few things, as it happens. The journal website includes all abstracts in English, and a link to the full text in Italian form the publisher's website.

The English version of my article [Windows, triangles and loops] can be found here.

[ useful links ]


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