Thursday, 4 November 2004

resarch data and safety

Short story about how ICTs impact on research work, data flexibility, remote access and safety. I left data back on my Australian trip, at ANU in Canberra. Data was stored in a computer, and I had to many committments to arrange for it to be tranferred before I left. And, the ACSR department moved offices over the last few months.

Coming back to England, oh joy, my laptop was stolen. With it, some of my data, the kind one cannot store on CD-RW. That is, the data I had 'lost' down under. Well, last week IT support at ACSR chased the data, retrieved the files, uploaded for me to download, which I did. Wihtin 24 hours. No data loss, no hassle, no distance. No theft. Call it self-reflexivity of the research endeavour.


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