Monday, 4 June 2007

ICA internet and politics papers [part 1]

Please find a list of Internet and politics papers presented on the first two days of ICA, in San Franscisco. I will post the second batch next week, as it takes a lot of time. Hoping to serve the community here… but first, a short message from our sponsors [read our paper!]:

Ackland, R., Gibson, R.K., Lusoli, W., & S. Ward (2007). Mapping ‘small things’ on the Web: Assessing the online presence of the nanotechnology industry. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, May 24-28, 2007.

NOTE: Papers’ full text is reserved to people attending the conference. But I reckon that if you are interested in getting a copy, a quick googling of paper title / emailing author should give you joy.

The Politics and Culture of Blogging

E-Relationships in Politicians’ Blogs in South Korea: Comparing Online and Offline Social Networks
Han Woo Park (YeungNam U), *Randy Kluver (Nanyang Technological U)

Doing the Right Thing Online: A Survey of Bloggers’ Ethical Beliefs and Practices
*Mark A. Cenite (Nanyang Technological U), *Benjamin H. Detenber (Nanyang Technological U), Koh Woon Kai Andy (Singapore Press Holdings), Alvin Lian Hao Lim (, Ee Soon Ng (Singapore Ministry of Defence)

Emergence or Affordance? Blogging Culture and the Question of Technological Effects
*Lucas Graves (Columbia U)

Are Political Blogs a Different Species?: An Examination of Nonelite Political Blogs
*Eunseong Kim (Eastern Illinois U)

Making and using online news: reports on the accelerating global news cycle

How Do Newspaper Journalists Use the Internet in News Gathering?
*Scott Reinardy (Ball State U), Jensen Joann Moore (U of Missouri - School of Journalism), Wayne Wanta (U of Missouri)

Immediacy of Online News: Journalistic Credo Under Pressure
*Michael Karlsson (Mid Sweden U)

Internet Impact on Traditional Media Use for News: 2002 and 2004
*Karen Michelle Boyajy (U of Missouri), *Esther Thorson (U of Missouri)

Online and Ticked Off? An Exploration of Online Political News Coverage and Hostile Media Phenomenon
*Lucy Atkinson (U of Wisconsin)

Mapping Code Politics: International Perspectives on Web Campaigning

The Internet and the Expansion of Political Discussion in Singapore Elections
*Randy Kluver (Nanyang Technological U)

Comparing Web Production Practices Across Electoral Web Spheres
*Kirsten A. Foot (U of Washington), Steven M. Schneider (State U of New York Institute of Technology), Randy Kluver (Nanyang Technological U), Michael Andrew Xenos (U of Wisconsin - Madison), Nicholas Warren Jankowski (Radboud U)

Code Politics: The Canadian Blosphere Speaks to the Liberal Leadership Race
*Zach Devereaux (Ryerson U), Ganaele Langlois (York U), Peter Ryan (Ryerson U), Joanna Redden (Ryerson U), Fenwick McKelvey (Ryerson U)

Disaggregating Online News: The Canadian Federal Election, 2005-2006
*Greg Elmer (Ryerson U), Zach Devereaux (Ryerson U), David Skinner (York U)

Organizational Networking on the WWW

Mapping ‘Small Things’ on the Web: The Pro- and Antinanotech Debate Online
Robert James Ackland (Australian National U), *Wainer Lusoli (U of Chester), *Rachel Kay Gibson (U of Leicester), Stephen Ward (Oxford Internet Institute)

Theorizing, Measuring, and Analyzing the Dynamics of Multidimensional Issue Networks
*Noshir S. Contractor (U of Illinois)

Establishment NGOs and Social Movement Partners in Strategic Networks: The Case of Fair Trade Coffee
*Kirsten A. Foot (U of Washington), *W. Lance Bennett (U of Washington)

Understanding Relationships Between the Internet and Protest Strategies and Frames in the Antiglobalisation Movement
*Cynthia Stohl (U of California - Santa Barbara), *Shiv Ganesh (U of Waikato)

Social Support on the Word-Wide Web

National Social Movement Organizations and the World Wide Web: A Survey of Web-Based Activities and Attributes
*Laura Stein (U of Texas - Austin)

The Challenges of Collective Action

Connective Collective Action Online: An Examination of the Network Structure of the English Speaking Islamic Resistance Movement
*Justin Lipp (U of California, Santa Barbara), *Michelle D. Shumate (U of Illinois)

New Challenges for Transnational Social Movement Networks: Studying Framing in the U.S.-Led Response to Sex Trafficking
*Bettina M. Richards Heiss (U of Southern California)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to this interview with Esther Thorson, on The State of Newspapers Today, click on the following audio link:

1:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, much appreciated

1:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Han Woo Park. My recent papers on political blogging are available at
I also like to know where to find other papers on this post. I googled the papers and their authors but failed to locate them.
Anyways, thanks a lot, Lusoli for sharing this info.

3:42 am  

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