eUser e-government research
This website provides data, research and publications from the eUser project.
It provides both supply and demand data on e-government from ten EU countries. Well worth browsing around, and dowloading the data.
It provides both supply and demand data on e-government from ten EU countries. Well worth browsing around, and dowloading the data.
Public Online Services and User Orientation
How can we put the user of public eServices in the center of the designing and delivery of online public services and content?
The eUSER project will prepare a state-of-the-art resource base on user needs in relation to online public services and on user-oriented methods for meeting these needs. The project will use this resource base to actively support the IST programme, projects, EU policy and the wider European Research Community to better address user needs in the design and delivery of online public services.
The general focus of the project is on online "services of public interest" for which we will use the generic term "eServices". The specific focus is on eGovernment, eHealth and eLearning services.
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